Sunday 26 July 2015

Summer vibes | Holiday Look

Tak jak sobie postanowilam bede tu wracac regularnie bo sprawia mi to wielka przyjemnosc. A ze mamy wakacje to napisze cos o moich malych wakacjach na Lanzarote na ktore pojechalam w Kwietniu ale o ktorych do tej pory nie zapomnialam. Od dnia wylotu do dnia ptzylotu nie mialam chwili na nude, to byly jedne z najlepszych wakacji na jakie polecialam. Pogoda byla super ale nie byla wspaniala i byly moze ze dwa pochmurne dni na tydzien calego wyjazdu wiec narzekac nie moge bo i tak sie spalilam na sloncu i spedzilam tam wspaniale czas z rodzina. Przez caly wyjazd plan byl prosty rano wstawalismy jedlismy sniadanie, po czym wychodzilismy na plaze lub basen do poludnia po czym wracalismy do hotelu na obiad przebieralismy sie i jechalismy zwiedzac wyspe. Po samym porzylocie wynajelismy samochod co pozwolilo nam na to zeby zwiedzac cala wyspe bez problemu, powiem szczerze ze nie ma nic lepszego niez podroze samochodem w cieplym karju po gorach plazach i  miasteczkach z najblizszymi i dobra muzyka.Piosenka ktora zapadla mi w pamieci to King od Years and Years poniewaz wtedy utrzymywala sie na listach przebojow i non stop leciala w radiu a ze my duzo czasu spedzalismy w samochodzie i na miescie to ciagle ja slyszalam i po prostu sie w niej zakochalam. Codziennie po plazy lub basenie zwiedzalismy nowe plaze, parki, ogrody i gory, bylo to naprawde fajne uczucie ze tyle moglam zobaczyc i nauczyc sie tyle faktow o tej wulkanicznej wyspie. Jedno z najlepszych doswiadczen podczas tych wyjazdow jednak bylo nurkowanie 4 metrow pod woda w morzu gdzie zobaczylam tak wspaniale dech zapierajoce widoki i z checia to jeszcze kiedys powtorze. Chociaz przyznam sie ze sprzed do nurkowania jest tak ciezki ze mi sie nogi pod nim uginaly a na drugi dzien czulam jakby mnie autobus przejechal. W kazdym badz razie z reka na sercu przyznam ze pokochalam ta wyspe za jej cisze i piekno. Jezeli chodzi o moje codzienne stroje to wybieralam ciuchy ktore byly fajne i modne ale i tak samo wygodne poniewaz jak juz wspominalam duzo jezdzilismy po wyspie wiec chcialam byc praktyczna. A wiec zostawiam was z moimi zdjeciami. Buziaki.
As I have decided I will be back here regularly now that I have more time and simply because this makes me happy. So as we have summer now I decided to tell you a little bit about my little holiday in Lanzarote which I went to in April but which I still haven't forgotten about. Since the departure until the day I had to leave I didn't have a minute to be bored, It was definitely one of the best holidays I have been on. The weather was really good but I can't say that it was great, although there were only two cloudy days so I can't really complain. The plan for the week was simple get up go to breakfast then go to the beach or stay by the pool until the afternoon, have dinner at the hotel then leave to go around the island on little adventures. Since we had rented a car there it was easy for us to get anywhere we wanted and since we could we had visited the whole island. Since we spent so much time in the car and around town one song stuck in my and it is King by Years and Years, quickly I fell in love with it and months later I still listen to it. I can honestly say there is nothing better than spending the days on the road with your family and good music. Since we went to different places every day I have spent my days there at different beaches, parks, gardens and mountains every day and learned a lot about that volcanic island. One of the best experiences of my life was when we went diving one Saturday in Lanzarote, it was definitely on my holiday bucket list and although I was scared to even dip my head in the pool two days earlier I wanted this so much that I let go of my fear and honestly I'd do it again any time. The diving equipment was so heave that my legs felt weak when I put it on and I couldn't wait to get in the water to get the weight off my back. The next morning my back felt as if I was hit by bus but it was definitely worth the experience. When it comes to my daily outfits I kept them colourful and fashionable but also comfortable as we did a lot of travelling and I wanted to be practical. So I'm leaving you guys with my holiday pics. Kisses.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Adidas | Street Style | Tumblr Fashion

Znowu mnie nie bylo tyle czasu no ale coz poradzisz duzo sie dzialo wiec czasu braklo. Za nami juz polowa wakacji a ja jeszcze tego nie czuje, na wakacje dopiero lece do Polski za dwa tygodnie wiec bedzie sie dzialo. Ostatnimi czasy gdzie bym nie weszla w internecie, gdzie bym nie popatrzyla na ulicy ciagle widze marke adidas. Zaczelo sie od butow a dokladnie adidas superstar zaprojektowane przez Pharella Williamsa. Kolory jakie tylko sobie wymarzycie, a odkad szal na buty to i takze na marke ktora moim zdaniem od dawna nie cieszyla sie taka popularnoscia a przynajmniej nie w mojej szafie. Przyznam ze od jakiegos czasu nowe kolekcje mnie zaskakuja i sama wybralam dla siebie pare rzeczy ktore kupilam chwile po ich wypuszczeniu na rynek ale o tym zrobie kolejny post gdzie dokladnie pokaze co kupilam i jak to sie nosi. Przyznam ze skusilam sie tez na superstary ale nie kolorowe ktore tez mi sie podobaly a bialo czarne poniewaz lubie te buty najbardziej w klasycznym stylu. Dlateo wiec postanowilam dzisiaj zrobic post o stylizacjach w stylu sportowym, troche street style poniewaz ostatnio najbardziej mi przypadaja do gustu. Buziaki.
I haven't been here for a while again but a lot has been happening therefore I haven't found the time to post but I've missed this so I'll have to catch up. We're now halfway through summer holidays but to be honest I don't feel like it's been so long already, since I'm only going on my holiday to Poland in two weeks so that's exciting and I'm looking forward to it. So recently wherever I look on the internet or the streets I constantly see adidas. It all started with the new shoe line adidas superstar by Pharrell Williams who made a collection of shoes with literally every single colour under the sun. And since everyone loves them, there is now a massive craze about adidas and everything about it, in my opinion adidas is very popular at the moment and it hasn't been popular for years at least not in my wardrobe so I feel like adidas is officially back In. If i'm being honest I adore the new adidas collections and I have picked out my favourites and bought them on the day of the release lol but I will show you my purchases in my next post as I want to show you the whole outfit idea. Also I myself bought a pair of adidas superstars but I chose a more classic white and black look rather than a colourful pair. So today I wanted to share with you some of my inspirations of a sporty more street style look since recently I love it so much. Kisses.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Khaki Winter/Spring 2014/2015 | Zielen Zima/Wiosna 2014/2015

W tym momencie jest u mnie godzina 6:02 rano a ja pisze i skladam post poniewaz myslalam nad nim i myslalam az wreszcie musialam to napisac. A wiec jak wszystkie widzimy zima 2014 i wiosna 2015 naleza do zieleni khaki mozna je spotkac w kazdym sklepie, na ulicach i na gwiazdach, po prostu nikt sie nie moze oprzec tej zieleni ja rowniez zaliczam sie do tych osob. Juz od paru lat co roku wchodzi styl khaki/military i powiem wam ze co roku uwielbiam ten styl z wieksza sila. W tym roku bardzo podoba mi sie Kylie Jenner w wydaniu wlasnie takim dlatego zlozylam dla was pare zdjec i linki do stron gdzie mozna kupic ciuchy khaki, miedzy innymi tansze ale rowwnie swietne ubrania w stylu Kylie. Rowniez dolaczam zdjecie z moim stylem khaki. Mam nadzieje ze sie wam bedzie podobac. Buzka.

Right now it's 6:02 am and I am writing this post for you because I've been  thinking about it for a while and I just can't get it out of my head. So as we can see winter 2014 and spring 2015 have been took over by khaki/military style, we can see it in the stores, on the streets and on our favourite celebrities, no one  can resist a bit of khaki in their wardrobe and I'm one of those people. For a couple of years now khaki seems to make an appearance in our wardrobes but I absolutely don't mind and I love it more each time. This year my favourite khaki look with no doubt goes to Kylie Jenner, that girl knows how to rock Khaki. So I've put a few pictures together for you to see what the stores have to offer, I present you with cheaper but very fashionable pieces of clothing right now. Also I'll share with you a picture of my khaki style, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Kisses.

Kim's look- Yeezy Adidas Collection 2015

D-Ring Playsuit - As seen on me - Topshop -

Jersey Swing Dress - Missguided -

Khaki Palazzo Trousers - River Island -

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Pudrowy Róż | Powder Pink

Dzisiejsza stylizacja to polaczenie pudrowego rozu ktory uwielbiam z czernia ktora zawsze sie sprawdza. Jest ladny sloneczny dzien i okazja do swietowania wiec pomyslalam ze z mila checia podziele sie dzisiaj moim outfitem. Jest to prosty lecz efektowny outfit poniewaz nie jest przesadzony i mozna sie tak ubrac na rozne okazje, lekko rozowe (sztuczne) futerko dodaje calego uroku a piekny kwiecisty naszyjnik go podkresla jeszcze bardziej. Makijaz tez wybralam lekki podkreslajac oczy linerem i usta pomadka Fashionista Pink 01 Loreal Paris. Jest lekko i wygodnie a calosc ma slodki dziewczecy urok. Dzisaj w UK jest dzien nalesnika wiec pochwale sie was moim zdrowym nalesnikiem z przepisu Ewy Chodakowskiej, pychotka.Teraz uciekam swietowac w ten piekny dzien. Buziaki xo
Today's outfit is a mixture of powder pink which I adore and black which I believe never lets anyone down. Today is a pretty sunny day and I have an occasion to celebrate therefore I though I'd share my outfit of the day with you. It is a pretty easy straightforward outfit  because I didn't over do it with too many accessories and it's perfect for any occasion. The powder pink faux fur gives this outfit so much charm and the statement necklace perfectly fits in. I've kept my make-up simple and cute with little eyeliner and light pink lips with Fashionista Pink 01 Loreal Paris Lipstick. This outfit is fun and cute and the whole outfit gives a lot of charm. Now I'm off to enjoy this beautiful day. Kisses xo

PS: Happy pancake day UK <3

Pink faux fur vest- Zara
Black leather look jeans- H&M
Black Top- Vero Moda
Statement Necklace- Missselfridge
Bag- Local Store
Watch- Fossil

About Me

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Hey I'm Dominika, I'm a fresh student in Manchester who loves fashion. Hej Jestem Dominika, Jestem studentka pierwszego roku ktora kocha mode!

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